Food Recovery Network

The Food Recovery Network is a national student run organization with chapters at universities all across America. The primary purpose is to recover food that would otherwise be thrown out and to repurpose it for local communities. Food that would be normally channeled into compost stream is instead donated and repurposed where it is effectively utilized. Since our initial partnership with the Food Recovery Network in 2016, we have donated over 1,300 pounds of food to local shelters.


Food waste in landfills creates methane, a greenhouse gas which is 21 times more potent than CO2 ( Our first priority is to reduce food waste. We compost food waste that is unavoidable which reduces greenhouse gas emissions and can also be used to amend soil thereby increasing drought tolerance, improving soil structure and health and reducing need for water and fertilizers.

Plant-Forward Menu

We are proud to state all of our menu stations offer plant-forward menu options.

Helping those in needs of food

We donate 2,200 meals every semester to those in needs here at SFSU.